Monday 8 January 2018

Have You Been Seeing Double Lately

Have You Been Seeing Double Lately? Have you joined the ever-swelling tide of twin fans? There’s sure a lot of multiple births out there and statistics show there has been a dramatic increase just since the 80’s. To be more specific that has been a 76% leap in the United States alone, with New Jersey gleefully leading the pack. But what’ causing it, you say. Is it the water, eating too many yams, the green colour on traffic lights, the internet, or what? What?  Scratch your heads no longer, friends, it’ all those career girls settling down to start a family and because old Mother Nature is warning them that time is running out they jumped on the Medicine? Wagon and decided to give their supposedly waning baby-making equipment a boost and lo and behold we are seeing doubles everywhere!
Those twins are fascinating. Especially when you find out how they have been cuddling together while still in their safe haven beneath their mother’ heart. How do they know that those unborn eyes need to be touched gently whether on their own face or that other body sharing the ever-tightening space with them? Why is it that a premature twin has been known to give up the struggle to live when its’ little pal from conception couldn’t make it?
As you may already know, I have been fascinated with the bond between twins for many years which is why the book Two Mothers, TWIN Daughters was created, and I am eagerly working on the sequel.

Tuesday 2 January 2018

A Spectacular Moment in History

Are those of you that have already read the first book in the series ‘dying’ to know when the twins will be reunited? As a New-Year’s tantalizer, I’ll let you get just a peek at the sequel that I am working on. Don’t die completely because I think you will find it worth the wait, and hopefully worth its weight in gold. Remember if you haven’t read Two Mothers, Twin Daughters, yet you still have time before this hits the market which is coming as soon as possible!

        Suddenly there she was. Alice had to be that small frightened figure with the wildly flowing red hair and a smoke blue coat draped over her arm. She was standing on the steep steps of the plane and scanning the airfield. And shivering, because it was probably a lot colder here in Edmonton than it was in Switzerland.

        The first thing Randall did when he reached his daughter was to gently remove the luggage from her hand and place it on the ground. Then he took the obviously brand-new coat and helped her into it. But that wasn't all. Next to carefully lifted the hood over her wavy tresses and tied it snugly under her chin. Alice was so touched by his gesture of kindness she wanted to throw her arms around him, but she didn’t. 

        Randall stepped back and tipped his hat. A mischievous grin played around the corners of his mouth. He thrust out his hand and Alice timidly took it. His grip was warm and strong.
       “If I didn’t know better, I’d have sworn that was Emily coming off the plane. I am so glad to meet you. Two beautiful girls as alike as peas in a pod. How much luckier could a man get? “
       A faint smile lurked in the corners of Alice’s mouth but the
very first words she ever said to her father, she later considered rather clumsy.
       “Where are the others?”
       “Wait and see,” he grinned. “Naturally, wild horses couldn’t keep them at home, but neither did your mother want to meet you at such a public place as the airport.”  

Tuesday 5 December 2017

Are You Convinced?

Let Christmas come alive for you this year in a breathlessly exciting way! Do you believe that Jesus really walked this earth and lived and breathed just like we do? Do you think He ever got weary, angry, happy or sad? Do you think He played like other children or would He have piously strode around with His head tilted just so so that His halo would remain at the perfect angle?
If this book doesn't leave you enthralled with what an incredible Man Jesus was then let me know. If you can convince me that you truly weren't impressed and aren't just pulling my leg, I'll refund you the money.
Oh, by the way, if you hurry you'll still get a chance to win a free night at our Bed and Breakfast. (You choose the date.) Check out the details on my website.

Friday 17 November 2017

TOO Much Cheese!

Hanzel was a jolly Dutchman with a white shirt and a vest who liked to make cheese almost better than anything else in the world. He liked it so much that Hanzel was positive that his cheese was by far the best in the whole county of Leyden. Problem is every farmer for miles around insisted that their own was superior to any other made in all of Holland and that lead to quite a hullabaloo on market day. There were rows and rows of stalls in the cheese section of the market, and the competition was fierce. Many if not all of them had banners in varying colours advertising their wares. The bolder ones went even farther and hired drummers which added to the din. Even the shyest had to resort to calling out the virtues of their special product.
And what was the result? No one got very much business. Friends, I feel very much like that bewildered Dutchman. Since the market has been opened wide to thousands of authors through the advent of self-publishing we are being drowned in a cascade of literature just at the time when technology is causing the interest in paper books to wan. Tell me, what should I do? If you have any advise, anything at all, please let me know.

Thursday 16 November 2017

Monday 13 November 2017

I Can't Die! I Won't Die!

I hope you have the time or will take the time to read this to the very end because it has a surprise ending.  I do not know the name of the main character in this true story, so for simplicity sake will call her Melissa. Melissa was like many of us in that she went to church and enjoyed the social and spiritual aspects of it, but she didn't think the Bible needed to be taken literally when it spoke of being separate from the world in word and action.  1John 2: 15-17,  Romans 12:2. would occasionally make fun of more conservative Christians and went on her merry way. Although she endured a slow and lingering death, cancer perhaps, she rejoiced in the assurance of being swept up to Heaven immediately after departing this life.
Now I will quote directly from this ancient book Dying Testimonies of Saved and Unsaved:
"respiration grew shorter and shorter and at last ceased and they deemed the spirit already in the embrace of blissful messengers who were winging it to paradise. A fearful shriek! and in a moment they beheld her that they had looked upon as the departed sitting upright before them with every feature distorted.
"Horror and disappointment had transformed that placid countenance so that it exhibited an expression indescribable fiendish. "I can't die," she shrieked, "I won't die!"

Her pastor walked in just then and she screamed, "Out of the door, thou deceiver of men!"
Then died.
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in Heaven. Matthew 7:21

Marilyn's Books

Sunday 12 November 2017

A Disturbing Story Turns Favorite

 You've got to picture the background to understand what this woman was up against.  The Jews were God's Chosen People and they knew it. Most likely the neighbouring 'gentiles' were quite aware of this opinion also. But mother-love surpasses even racial barriers if the mother is desperate enough. This mom sure was. This Canaanite Woman knew Jesus was a teacher and a healer, she probably assumed He was in their country to preach to the Jews living among them but she didn't care. Her daughter was sick, really sick because of a demon that was causing terrific suffering. Jesus could deliver her, she knew it, so she pleads with Him to do so.
Now here comes the puzzling part, not only did Jesus not do it, but He ignored her and later implied that she was a dog. (Probably a common racial slur at the time.)
Why did she persist? Because she saw something the disciples didn't. She saw the love in His eyes, and He saw her faith. He saw a tremendous opportunity to teach those hoity-toity Jews that God loved everyone. So why did she run off to beg the disciples to do something? Maybe she figured Jesus thought it would jeopardize His position if He healed her daughter so out of respect tried to give Him a break. But they weren't helpful so Jesus honoured her request--and her faith. I love it!