Sunday 14 August 2016

I Searched for You

We searched all over for you. Remember me? I met you sitting on the curb by Goodwill and got down beside you. We chatted for quite a while and it was easy to tell that life had thrown you some nasty curve balls in the last few months.

My heart went out to you, but we felt so helpless. I even asked you, ‘what can I do, how can we help?’ It wasn’t money that you wanted and you said so, but we did go to a nearby restaurant together to get a bite to eat.

The timing may have seemed off to some since we were super busy at home with a wedding coming up as well as BnB guests, but bringing you home with us was hardly the solution anyway because there are not many job opportunities in a rural area such as where we live.
You said you wanted to come to church with us and would find a way, but we knew that would be easier said than done since so much had been stolen from you already, including your cell phone.

So we came into town tonight, a week later,  using the excuse of picking up groceries. You weren’t where we expected to find you nor at any of the other places where the homeless might be inclined to hang out and we drove around for a long time looking.
We found another girl who was obviously troubled; her eyes red,  face sad and we told each other maybe that was who God wanted us to come into town to comfort, but I wasn’t totally convinced.

Where are you? Are you reaching up and holding to the Good Shepherd’s hand? Jesus is the Good Shepherd. Let Him hold your hand so it won’t slip. Remember He is always looking out for you even when you can’t feel Him. Learn to trust Him and surrender your all to Him and He will lead you down the tunnel where there is a light at the end.

You, and you and you…are in my thoughts and prayers.

Thursday 11 August 2016

Excerpt from The Glass Castle

Straying Into the Enchanted Forest
Iris, Renita and Aylett linked arms and trouped down the road leading across the glistening countryside. Dew was sparkling all around them; the peach and pink colors of early dawn were most attractive.
“Shouldn’t we have shared our plans with the Captain,” Aylett asked?”
“Oh, Aylett, you are always such a worrier,” Renita impatiently tugged at her arm to hurry her along. Her friend had stopped to gaze up, way up at The Glass Castle shining in all its glory on the cliff above them.
“His Presence is always with us,” Iris added.
“He won’t mind if we miss our appointment with Him just this once.” Just this once, Aylett thought gloomily.
For me, it might be the first time in several  weeks but I know the girls, especially Renita, rarely show up in the throne room to fellowship with King Agape.
Oh, I miss my early morning communion with Him, why did I ever let them persuade me to go?
“Look out,” she shrieked, “There’s a vicious snake!”
The girls leaped back just in time, trembling with fear, and a passerby with a club struck it until it was dead.
“Why doesn’t anyone remove the stones from the path?” Renita complained. “That’s why the stones are lurking here, they love the warmth.”
Aylett was sober but she didn’t answer because she knew it would make Renita more irritated with her than ever.

She realised that many of the soldiers who were responsible for keeping the road in shape found it too boring: they would far rather fill their days with more interesting jobs.
The girls hurried on at a brisker pace but kept an eye for hidden dangers.
“We’ve gone this road many times before,” Renita remarked, “and it’s so dreadfully straight and narrow. Why don’t we veer off just a little into that grove of trees, it looks so enchanting there.
            “I wonder if His Presence will go with us there,” Iris mused.
            “Of course: you’re getting just as cautious as ole Aylett here.”
            She tugged impatiently at their hands and they reluctantly followed, albeit Iris was a little more curious than Aylett who couldn’t hide the misery in her eyes.
            There were all sorts of beguiling attractions in the forest and the girls lost track of time as they explored quaint cottages, rustic bridges over bubbling brooks, a vast array of flowers they had never seen before and other things.
            Finally, it was getting late and they were concerned about getting home before dark.
            “Well, we’ll just head back the way we came”, Renita courageously lead the way calling over her shoulder, “We took a zig-zag path in all our exploring but we will go straight now.”
            It wasn’t long before Aylett knew they were lost, and when she glanced at Iris she could tell she had the same suspicion, but Renita forged on ahead not at all ready to admit that they might have gotten turned around.
            When they got in sight of a little gingerbread style cottage they had circled earlier they all fell silent.
            Renita, as usual, was the first to speak. “Well, Iris since you are such a great direction finder, you lead. I’m tired of breaking a trail through these briars. These insects are so nasty!”
                        She stared at Aylett. “You haven’t got a single bite.”
Aylett shrugged her shoulders but didn’t answer.
 Iris took the leadership role but more cautiously than Renita had. Aylett hung back and blew on the little silver whistle around her neck.
It made a sweet melodious tone that she knew could be heard in the Glass Castle by the King but not by the girls beside her.
            As she trudged along behind her companions they grew more subdued, from time to time she blew her whistle. 
Soon she bravely gave them directions as to which way to turn, and they followed her leadership, although she was usually a timid girl.
They were getting very weary by the time a light appeared and eagerly ran towards it.
“Oh it’s Tom,” Renita said in disgust. ”Who wants to follow his light? He is so ‘square.”
Iris glared at her, “I’ll take any direction from anyone I can to get out of the mess we are in.”
Renita flounced off as her companions ran to meet the ‘square’ warrior. She did, however, take care to keep them in sight so Aylett supposed that in the deepening shadows she really didn’t care to be left alone.
Tom was very solicitous of the girl which made them feel better. He also noted that Aylett was the only one that hadn’t been bitten by gnats and other bugs and suspected the reason. The aura of the King still lingered around her although she had strayed, and the insects were repelled by it.
“The only way to keep clear of those annoying insects is to keep out of those exact woods,” Tom warned. He paused, before adding, “On the other hand sometimes we may be lead to go through them, but you’ll want to have a proper guide if you do.”
His eyes met Iris’.
“Oh the insects aren’t that bad,” Renita said, “There’s plenty of soothing ointment at the cattle if they do bother us.
“I’m still eager for more adventure although next time we won’t stay so late. What about you girls?”
“Well maybe once in a while,” Iris responded, “But not very often.”
“Not I,” Aylett declared, “I’d rather be in His Presence every single moment of the day even if He never sends me on grand or exciting missions.”
“You’re square too, “Renita muttered.
Aylett had been clinging to the feet of the King every blessed minute since returning to the Glass Castle. How he had patience with her, I know not, but she said ‘sorry’ countless times without feeling the desired peace and joy she had known formerly.

One day Iris beckoned to her.  “Come with me, you have been holed up in the castle too long and your face has grown wan and sad.”

Aylett gazed anxiously at the King and communicated silently with Him. Is this the voice of the tempter?

Go and my Presence will be with thee. Aylett could hardly believe her ears. She looked at Iris but could tell she hadn’t heard the secret message. She looked worriedly at the King but He seemed to be smiling in approval, so hesitantly followed her friend into the bright, clean sunshine. 
The guard spoke cheerfully to them as he lowered the rope ladders and wished them a good day.

Aylett bit her lip and wondered why he didn’t caution them against straying from the Path of Righteousness.

After they had walked for a while Iris remarked that the road was much smoother than the last time they had gone for a jaunt.
“Oh, I, I hadn’t even noticed,” Aylett stammered, “I was too busy looking for snakes.”
“Oh don’t worry about snakes,” Iris linked her arm into Aylett’s. “We sounded the alarm loud and clear with our shrieking last time and the workmen have been busy upgrading the road ever since. The chance of even seeing a snake again is one in a million."

“And it would be me that would trip on it,” Aylett sighed woefully.
 Iris turned to face her companion.
 “What ails you, my friend? You haven’t been yourself lately.”
 Aylett hung her head and scuffed her toe against a rock.
 Iris lightly touched her shoulder. “C'mon, you can tell me.”
  When Aylett’s tears started to flow Iris thumbed them away with her hand while asking: “Is it because we went to the Enchanted Forest?”
              Aylett nodded, “I feel so bad…”
            “Aylett, I just found out today that isn’t really an Enchanted Forest. This whole area belongs to the King of Love. Tom told me that."

 Aylett’s eyes widened with an amazed ‘I can’t believe it’ look.
“Then why did we get lost? Why did the insects pester us so?”

 “Because we went on our own, we didn’t follow our guide; because we lingered too long. King Agape’s way is full of freedom and joy but there are guidelines.

  Aylett took a deep breath. “Are you wishing to go again? Because if you are, I, I might be willing to try it.”

  “Only if you want to: I think you should try to get over your fears.”

“It’ll take a lot of faith to step over that stile and enter that site once again. I don’t know if I am brave enough.”
               “Just trust that King Agape will send a conductor. Here we are. Doesn’t it look beautiful in the light of the rising sun?”
              Aylett nodded uncertainly.
            “Let’s use our charming whistles and ask for a guide.”
              They both did so but Iris privately thought Aylett blew far harder and longer than was strictly necessary on the delicate instrument.
 Almost immediately Aylett saw a glimpse of shining wings that reassured her for they were showing them what path to take. Iris didn’t receive any physical revelation of His Presence but neither did she need it.
As the day grew warmer, Iris was pleased to notice that Aylett, who had been cautious at first, was enjoying herself increasingly. Because they were attentive to their guide they had lots of fun, made some new friends who were pleasant and cheerful, and all around had a good time.

             When their winged councillor suggested that it was time to go back to the castle because it was growing late, it was Aylett who wasn’t quite ready.

“We don’t want to get lost like last time,” Iris teased.

“Oh, no, no,” Aylett exclaimed and hurried over to join her chum.

The path through the darkening forest was beautiful and inviting, and Aylett felt safe following the now visibly glowing presence of their guide.

“Anywhere with Agape we can safely go,” Aylett thought as she drifted off to sleep that night.

John 10:27
Psalms 24:1

Thursday 21 July 2016

If you fail don't despair; but 
think of it this way:





and you are not at the end of your rope because END spells

ENDEfforts Never Die


Monday 18 July 2016

Hope for the Hopeless

Tired, always tired, and gaunt, you wouldn’t look in the mirror if it was thrust in your face because you knew what you’d see and it isn’t a pretty sight.
Faded, unwashed hair straggling around your face is the least of your concerns, but the eyes…Oh those eyes, the dark look of hopelessness looming there is what makes others look away, it is so, so…what it is? Only you can say for sure: lonely? Despairing? Filled with a lifetime of pain, heartache, and grief?
You are plodding down a crowded street, shoved or avoided by the hurrying throng that you hardly notice, but you need a fix: that is your consuming desire, a fix, a fix, but that is exactly what you wanted to avoid at all costs.
 For ten, fifteen, maybe even twenty years or more your life has been a mess of addiction, prostitution and other details known only know to you but where oh where can you get your next very fleeting thrill from a pill, a bottle or a needle?
Natalie, yes, that’s a real person, was facing the same desperate situation once.  After serving time in jail, you can imagine what for, she had nowhere to turn, no place to live but, maybe with her sister.
She had been wandering, drifting for so many years that she absolutely loathed it. After reaching the empty apartment Natalie wandered out to the balcony and thought of ending her life by jumping down, but it wasn’t far enough. Across the normally teeming street was a new building going up with scaffolding high in the air. That’s where she was headed: that would be a good place to leap from.
 For some reason there was no one around which was very unusual, as she crossed the street, however, a small black man came out of the shadows and handed her a handwritten letter while saying: ‘Jesus loves you’. She paused to read it and one thing lead to another until she found out about Heart Seasons.
If you live in New York City maybe you have heard about them.
Natalie found a group of people with as bad a history as hers. She found other ‘sisters’ who had tried to recover countless times from addictions, but here at Heart Seasons there was hope. Yes, there really was.
This center was different than many; it focused on Jesus as the only answer. The program was strict, really strict for they were expected to take part in several hours of Bible study every single day, and were not allowed to ever leave without an escort.
After a year and a half or way longer if they wanted, if a person stuck with the program they could graduate, if they were ready. Being ready meant being able to rent an apartment and have a job for at least three months. Most were terrified of leaving, but of course,
they weren’t abandoned, they had their support group, and best of all they had Jesus.
Are you like Natalie, desperate, despairing and certain you have tried every ‘solution’ out there?
There is hope. There truly is. Jesus can be your anchor from drifting back into sin. There are friends of Jesus who would love to reach out to you, also.
 Contact me, if you want and I’ll see what I can do to help. Look up HeartEase in the telephone book, or elsewhere. I’m trying to find an address for you.
P.S. I tried to find the website for you but the link appeared to be broken: try this:

The Bowery Mission Women’s Center at Heartsease Home

Whatever you do, never, never, never give up; there is hope. 

Thursday 7 July 2016

We're All Teacher's Pets

Can you picture a little guy in a one room log school house? He’s the one who more than likely has a frog in his pocket, a mischievous grin on his face, sparkling eyes, and a cowlick!
He’s the one who can’t quite settle down, causes all kinds of disturbances in class but ---is loved.
That’s how God must sometimes feel about me. I wiggle and squirm and get easily distracted when He tries to teach me something but He never loses patience with me.
Like last night, for example; I was trying to have my devotions but couldn’t concentrate worth a hill o’ beans. Did He get stern and glower forbiddingly at me? No…Did He—Heaven forbid look meaningfully towards the thick black strap hanging from a nail on the wall? No, ma’am.
He did say, though, that I needed to learn self-discipline, and I wanted to, oh, my but did I ever! I loved those beautiful lessons He taught me in the past, the sweet communion of His presence, but the little child inside me wanted to jump right out and play.
All was not lost, though. I ‘saw’ the twinkle in His eye, the kindly, if not slightly amused expression on His face, and just wanted to try harder for next time!

Thursday 30 June 2016

Lost Among Big and Little Bears

Lost Among Big and Little Bears

Okay, okay, I admit I am a bit of a tease and like to throw out random parts of my story for you to analyse. What do you think happened before and after this excerpt?

M eanwhile, Marita was much happier than Margaret feared she would be.  She was singing while unpacking at the logging camp where they had spent so many busy weeks the winter before.

The rest of the logging crew wouldn’t arrive for a few days but she didn’t mind. They were going to have a little vacation before work began.

Marita longed to hike over the crunchy softness of fallen leaves, and breathe deeply of the fragrant piney air, but that would have to wait. There were windows to restore to sparkling brightness, cob webs to whisk away, clothes to unpack and dinner to get onto the wooden plank table. Later there would be time!

As she picked up her dust cloth the ringing sound of an axe greeted her ears. Randall was preparing kindling for the cook stove. She smiled, grateful that he was doing his part. That meant he was probably in a good mood.

Although it was hard in some ways, she enjoyed life in the lumber camps. The women were generally more sociable there than in the big cities and drink was not allowed on site. When Randall worked so desperately hard in the crisp, clean air, he rarely woke up from one of those devastating nightmares which he incoherently would try to describe to her sometimes, leaving her feeling chilled.

Just then a chickadee trilled merrily through the open window and she whistled back. The bird winged off with Marita’s troubles and they fluttered away in the soft, balmy sunshine.

Three year old Emily caught her mother’s jolly mood and was frolicking just outside the door. A thin layer of golden aspen leaves was floating softly to the ground. Emily shuffled through them, watching as they mounded up on either side of her tiny feet. Oh how she delighted in the bright autumn colors!

Tall skinny poplars were springing up everywhere.  In the distance
massive cone bearing trees sort of took over, crowding out the kinds of trees that gaily fluttered their buttery-yellow finery.

Emily skipped over to a nearby clapboard cottage so similar in appearance to their own. She knocked at the door but there was no answer so looked in at the window but nobody was home. Not even the three bears invited her for tea!

Maybe after nighttime they’ll come, she decided. “Everyone will
come soon: for sure after nighttime.

She flung her arms out wide then twirled around a small sapling.

A small stuffed toy was partly concealed in the falling leaves.
She had discarded it earlier that morning while jumping out of the truck.

“Teddy!” she cried, “My teddy!”

Marita smiled while listening to the joyful voice of her small daughter then went to the bedroom to unpack the bedding and clothes.

Meanwhile Emily fiercely hugged her plump teddy bear, then dragging it by one fuzzy brown leg trotted off into the woods, after a red-wing blackbird who warbled merrily. Soon Emily’s lilting voice was also singing.

“Teddy, Ted-dee You are mine you see Teddy… Ted-dee You are mine, you see.”
A tiny footpath invited her to come deeper into the woods.
After skipping along for a while she beheld with wondering eyes a gurgling brook. It was so sparkling green and pretty that in seconds her socks and shoes were off and she was dangling her feet in the shining water.

Emily was blissfully unaware that a few yards farther on there was a deep hole with a swift undercurrent and if she had fallen in…

Forgetting her socks and shoes but clutching the precious toy, Emily continued her little adventure.

She tiptoed across the rippling stream by stepping from one smooth flat stone to the next.

“Eue, eue, that’s cold!” she would exclaim every time she stepped on another rock, but kept on going, not even aware that Teddy’s arm was trailing in the stream.

            One forked trail lead to another, each one more appealing to a little girl than the last.

She trotted on, sometimes stooping to sniff a late blooming flower, sometimes picking a leaf the color of pure gold.

Then she saw partly grown black bear padding softly through the trees.

“Oh Teddy,” she exclaimed, nuzzling his fuzzy cheek, “There’s your brudder!

“Here Teddy! Here Teddy!” she trilled. The cub tossed his head and ambled away.

“Teddy! Wait for me!” She heard a low menacing growl and for a moment was frightened. She stopped and looked around,
but wasn’t sure where the big grrr came from. She hurried along calling “Teddy, Teddy!”

A huge bear lumbered out of the woods and swatted the cubs’ behind. The baby stopped peering over its shoulder and scurried away from its mother’s broad paw. Emily hurried after it, stumbling
over twigs and roots in an effort to catch up. Her feet hurt badly but she so much wanted to hug that baby teddy.

Far away, little Emily’s mother was frantically searching for her, and even farther away: far from the wilderness and wide prairies in a distant city park a small child was clinging to an oak tree and wailing.
            “Randall, I called and called, but I can’t see Emily anywhere. She was here only a minute ago.” Marita was nearly in tears.

            Randall shut off the chain saw and laid it beside him. He looked so lithe and manly in his plaid lumberjack shirt when he stepped onto the huge stump nearby and peered all around.

            “Funny how a little kid can vanish so quickly,” he muttered half to himself. “Marita you head up the road we came on and I’ll search around the logging camp. She can’t be far away.”

After the bears disappeared from view Emily sat down right in the middle of the path and rubbed her feet.

“They don’t like me, Teddy.” she sobbed tears streaking her dirty face.

Emily was very tired. She dragged her toy bear to a mossy spot that made a velvety nest beneath the trees. While she drifted off to dreamland  perhaps an angel in glowing garments hovered over her.

            “Emm-a-lee! Emm-a-lee…”

            Emily stirred drowsily, whispered, “Mummy,” and went back to sleep feeling safe in her mother’s care. 

Something Supernatural? You're Kidding Me!

I suppose you are wondering if the euphoria of being healed wore off after a few weeks,