Tuesday 17 December 2013

Where Is a Friend

I'd like to find the kind of friend

Who’d walk along with me,
Who’d hold my hand and help me stand
When life’s as grim as grim can be.

I’d like to find the Kindly Friend
Who made the sun’s warm glow
Who sends warm showers and scatters flowers
For His creatures here below.

I’d like to find that Kindly Friend
Whose hand is open wide
Who’ll stay awhile to ease a trial
And ne’er a blessing hide.

Where can you find a Friend so kind
Oh will you tell me, sir?
Could we meet upon the street
And would it cause a stir?

I’ve chanced to glimpse this Friend so kind
In faces all aglow
In quiet walk and gentle talk
In Christians that I know.

Marilyn Friesen

comments and criticism welcome

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