Showing posts with label relationships. Show all posts
Showing posts with label relationships. Show all posts

Monday, 8 January 2018

Have You Been Seeing Double Lately

Have You Been Seeing Double Lately? Have you joined the ever-swelling tide of twin fans? There’s sure a lot of multiple births out there and statistics show there has been a dramatic increase just since the 80’s. To be more specific that has been a 76% leap in the United States alone, with New Jersey gleefully leading the pack. But what’ causing it, you say. Is it the water, eating too many yams, the green colour on traffic lights, the internet, or what? What?  Scratch your heads no longer, friends, it’ all those career girls settling down to start a family and because old Mother Nature is warning them that time is running out they jumped on the Medicine? Wagon and decided to give their supposedly waning baby-making equipment a boost and lo and behold we are seeing doubles everywhere!
Those twins are fascinating. Especially when you find out how they have been cuddling together while still in their safe haven beneath their mother’ heart. How do they know that those unborn eyes need to be touched gently whether on their own face or that other body sharing the ever-tightening space with them? Why is it that a premature twin has been known to give up the struggle to live when its’ little pal from conception couldn’t make it?
As you may already know, I have been fascinated with the bond between twins for many years which is why the book Two Mothers, TWIN Daughters was created, and I am eagerly working on the sequel.

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Take Down That Wall

Sometimes we encounter relationships that are challenging at the best of times. The world would say walk away from them but that is not God’s solution. Those people whom we find difficult may very well think the problem lies with us. We must do our level best to show compassion and try to work through our differences. If we preserve in prayer God can help us take that wall down one brick at a time. Marilyn Friesen

Marilyn Friesen