Showing posts with label rainy weather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rainy weather. Show all posts

Thursday, 17 May 2018

Does Your God Answer Prayer?

Y’know it doesn’t really help for a Mom to worry about their adult children ‘cuz she ain’t gonna know the half of what goes on in their life anyway.
Okay, okay, switch from that grubby English. You don’t talk like that, anyway! Nevertheless, this is a true story!!
Lashelle was motoring along; possibly not at merrily as usual, because after all, it was raining. Like seriously. Like the day I am sending this off. Work was quite a long ways away and a daily trek, but she was on the way there when it happened. Car trouble! Help! She probably thought I’m a female stranded in this kind of weather! Oh, well, I’m not all alone. I’ll ask my Heavenly Father for help. So she did. Lord, you know I need help. Could you send someone I can trust; a policeman, maybe, or someone from our church? Well, she didn’t tell me if she had time to say Amen, or not, but help sure arrived in a hurry.
“Hello, may I help you?” Lashelle was chatting with the off-duty policeman when someone else came to a stop and strolled over.
The two men probably introduced themselves to each other, while Lashelle grinned not so secretively. God sure must have a sense of humor to send, not just a cop, but one of the ministers from our church!
You get the point? God is looking out for us, and He sure does answer prayer!
Oh hey, I missed a really juicy morsel. That gentlemanly policeman was a friend of Lashelle’s boss and he told her:
If she gives you trouble for being late, you tell her to talk to me!”

P.S. Yup, she is our daughter, although that isn't her in the picture. 

Thursday, 21 September 2017

Is This a Perfect Day?

Did I have a perfect day? Well, it’s not over yet, but let me see what it has been like so far.
It’s  been raining for hours so it’s getting to the standing water stage but before it was that bad I had decided to check my blood pressure. That’s the little gauge that decides for me whether I should go for a walk or not. Yup, the numbers were creeping up again. Not into the dangerous zone, fortunately, but nevertheless: excuse the old dried out term, prevention is better than cure.
               My daughter graciously offered the use of her umbrella and even though getting a little wet has never bothered me, I accepted. I called my good ole buddy, Kasa. She wasn’t bouncing all over with enthusiasm like the day we went to the park in the city so was more manageable.  Off we went. Wasn’t long before that trusty umbrella was blown inside out and had to be hurriedly put away. Wasn’t long either before my running shoes were letting my socks get soggy, but hey you can’t walk in boots can you? I made it to the intersection and back, wet feet and all. Was it a perfect day, so far?
               It was a mighty fine day to be editing the sequel to Two Mother’s, Twin Daughters. I don’t need to look for any excuse to write but you mean I have to go through the whole manuscript and find all the times I used the word ‘just’ unnecessarily? That is not all, what about, ‘really’ and ‘very’, and countless words that end with ‘fully’? Gulp, or was that a sigh. I thought I was a pretty interesting storyteller but taking out those words is sure tightening up my yarn. Oops, I better go back and take out that ‘pretty’, also. I’m working on it folks, but this old girl has a lot more to do before you can get a peek at the book about Emily and Alice.

               Right now, I’m waiting for hubby to come home. BLT sandwiches is on the menu to celebrate our own tomatoes ripening, but after that, whoopee, we are planning to head into town and buy a beautiful blue Volkswagen Tiguan AWD. 2009. Now you wise guys know we aren’t rolling in the bucks because of me being the author around the place, but, hey, I still think I’m having a perfect day because I have the peace of God in my heart in spite of the ups and downs of life. How about you?