While stooping to fasten his sandals
So no one could look on his face
The messenger hid his emotions
Then accepted the final embrace.
The apostle with tenderness sent him
On a journey precarious and hard
And prayed that he would be kept safely
In the sheltering arms of the Lord.
In the city of Rome Paul was impris'ned
Though his mission was not truly fettered
The youth was his faithful assistant
To deliver his wonderful letters.
The streets of the city were crowded
And the envoy was jostled by throngs
The Appian Way lead him outwards
Til at times he traveled alone.
In a pouch on his belt was the parchment
Protected most oft by his arm
More precious than water or victuals
He was careful to keep it from harm.
The cobblestone road lead him at length
To a bustling harbour and dock
But sailors must wait on their omens
They were a timorous lot.
At last the sea journeys were ended
And on foot he would travel again
With Christ as a caring companion
He never did feel all alone.
At noon the sun beat without mercy
But night left him feeling the chill
Though hunger and thirst often hounded
The mission he vowed to fulfill.
At eve he lay down in the starlight
And thought of his Father and Guide
But if storm clouds would thicken above him
An inn was the place to reside.
At last he reached troubled Colossae
With words from the famed brother Paul
The scroll was cherished and preserved
A message for saints then and now.
Marilyn Friesen