For some reason I was almost, almost but not quite idle sometimes last winter but this year I seem to be racing from one project to the next. At this rate I won't find time to grow elderly and snoozing in a rocking chair!
My mind is racing so fast I won't spend time writing off a ponderous essay so will dash off a few pictures. (It's more fun that ways, not?) Pretend that's me shooting off this blog.
But here's a few other things, past present and future that are swirling through my mind! When I'm not running off to care for the chickens
I've been doing a lot of this. And there's a lot more to do!
Now, because we had such a long winter, I had a typical spring-fever frenzy, and this happened!
Which undoubtable leads to lots of this and lots of this:
Then these winter projects are being squeezed out of the picture and there's a NEW GRANDBABY coming! I often resort to doing this in the car:
So if you see stray strands of colored cotton sleeping in the snow you might trace them to me. Obviously I must fly...I didn't even mention the regular. Laundry, Cooking, cleaning etc, but I think I've entertained you long enough. But just remember: we're expecting this in August!! A grandbaby girl!