Showing posts with label glass castle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label glass castle. Show all posts

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Fleeing Safety

It seems to be taking me forever to get my tiny new book, The Glass Castle  ready for publication. This is the  part I've been editing today. As usual, I promise: "Soon, soon!" and someday that will change to: "It's here, it's arrived! You can come and get your own copy now."

P.S. It's been so much fun having guests at our bed and breakfast and otherwise, that writing got put on the back burner (Not a good place for my laptop, eh) but I'm back again --for the moment.

Okay, here goes!

Fleeing Safety
 Not everyone in that lovely glass fortress was so enthused to be there. On a lower floor, in a back corner of the basement to be exact dwelt two naysayers who rarely mingled with the others. That their section of the glass wall had gotten smudged goes almost without saying. After all, they didn’t want to be there, so why bother polishing windows?

            Gilbert and Arthur were involved in something that looked similar to a game of Chess. They laid out their game pieces to plan their strategy.

“We will be cut off from friends and family if we leave,” Arthur pointed out, moving one of his men.
Gilbert shook his head. “They’ll get over it. They’ll be disappointed, of course, but we’ll keep in touch”—
 Arthur snorted, If we get around to it.”
For a few minutes, all that could be heard was the shuffling of game pieces and the occasional squeak of a chair.
 “They say that the Outside World is flat and there is a tremendous drop off at the edge.”
Gilbert grimaced. “And that we will fall and fall and never stop falling even while being engulfed by flames.” 
                        “Sounds scary.”
`”Sure it does, but we’ll stay well away from the drop off point—if there is one.”
 “Granddaddy says one can be sucked in quite unexpectedly just about anywhere.”
 “How does he know?” 
  “He was there: escaped by the skin of his teeth as it were when a friend was sucked in.”
                   “We’re sitting here scaring each other. That desert looks so beautiful with the setting sun and there’s hardly any chance of sinkholes there.  We are much too confined in here—and bored: let’s just go. We can always come back.”
 Gilbert swept all the game pieces into a cloth bag and tossed it into a drawer.
   “OK, let’s go.” They let themselves into the hallway and looked both ways before continuing.
 “Where are you going?” a sister paused while scurrying down the hall with a tray for an invalid. “It’s almost suppertime.”
 “We’ll be back,” Gilbert answered evasively.
She leveled a thoughtful look at them but didn’t try to block their way. 
             “Let’s try to go out by the concealed trapdoor. That way we won’t be noticed by so many.”
             “Help,” Arthur yelped, “I didn’t know the descent was so steep!” They looked over the embankment, almost chickening out.

The castle was built on top of a cliff with slick embankments on all sides. “I didn’t mean to descend so rapidly,” Arthur muttered, trying to keep his balance while slowing his pace.
                                   Windows flew open here and there.
                                  “It’s Arthur: looks like he’s in trouble!”

 “And Gilbert: throw out the lifeline!”
“No, no, that’s okay,” Gilbert muttered, grabbing on to a thick, twisted root that reminded him ominously of a huge snake. “We’ll make it.”
Prayers ascended up to the King while they picked their way carefully down the steep embankment but they didn’t listen.
“It’ll be better after we get on to the level ground,” Arthur said. He took the liberty to glance back. My, the castle had never looked so beautiful…so strong…and secure…before.

Now that they have faded from our view we will check back at the castle.

Saturday, 15 November 2014

IF The Lord is For Us, We'll Conquer!

Part of the Glass Castle Series

“I've had it,” Jonathan declared, tightening his helmet under his chin. “Here we are servants of the King of Love, yet we are slinking around like timid foxes.”
        “As if foxes were ever timid!” his armor bearer retorted.
        “Well timid-something, then; lambs maybe. Here we are hiding in holes and dens of the earth when we have won so many victories in the past. What’s got into us?”
        His armor bearer, Davin, shrugged his shoulders.
        Jonathan peered cautiously out of the cave, looked all around, then reported back to his companion.
        “I see no one around. They’re probably sitting around eating and drinking and having a good time. “
        “The enemy you mean? “
        “Not our soldiers. They’re terrified.” 
Then his face softened. “What they need is a leader. A strong leader, one that is courageous and decisive about following our Master.”
He slipped into his iron clad sandals and tightened them, then beckoned to Davin.
        “See those two tall, jagged rocks out here? Between them is a good look out over the plateau. We can get a better idea of the enemy’s tactics from there.”     Davin nodded thoughtfully then scrambled after his buddy to the excellent vantage point.

        “I think I know what the King of Love wants us to do,” Jonathan explained in a low voice. “If they come up to us, then we better flee, because our Lord is not leading us, but IF they tell us to come to them then, WHOOPEE! –“
        Jonathan dropped his voice. “We can conquer in the Name of the Lord!”
     He stepped boldly forward and waved his arms.
        Two young soldiers strode cockily towards them. “Ha, look. The cowards are timidly peering out. Come face us if you dare!”

        Jonathan’s neck flushed with anger.
        “If we dare,” he muttered while quickly making his way over the cliff. “The Lord is for us!”  He shouted and plunged into the thick of the fray.
        The demonic army seemed to be frightened by their courage and determination. 

Others from the Glass Castle saw what was happening. Their own fear turned to shame then determination not to let the Enemy have such an inroad into their lives.
 With a prayer on their lips and a shining sword in their hands they too were determined to conquer. In the Name of the Lord!

Saturday, 22 February 2014

The Glass Castle Is Attacked (Part one)

If you want to know what this is loosely based on, check out Hezikiah's dilemma in ll Kings. It is an allegory of the church in these modern times.

"I hate war!” Rachel cried out.

“Don’t we all,” Abe admitted.

“I always thought this city where the King dwells was so strong, but just look at that army down there. How can we ever face such a terrible and dreadful enemy?”

“Yes, and there are more coming.” Mary spoke up for the first time. “They are surrounding the city from all sides.”

“Have you heard what happened at Dayton?”
“Dayton? No! Don’t tell me they were taken!!”

Abe nodded.

“One city after another has fallen. Is there any left except ours?”

Abe looked sober. “I’m not sure. We haven’t received any messengers for over a week now.--”
“My sister lives in Dayton!” Rachel sounded almost hysterical.

“Well our brothers live in Kingsley!” Mary clutched Abe’s arm. “Have you heard anything about Kingsley, Abe?”

“They surrendered.”
“Surrendered?! That easily? How could they? They are of the same race and lineage as we! Surely they don’t want to mingle with the barbarians!”

“Hush! That beast of a man down there is speaking. He's mocking us, once again.”
“Hush yourself. Do you want a little bird to carry you words over to him?”

“ Can you understand what he says?”
“Well enough. Can’t you?”

Rachel nodded, “Too well. Oh, I am so afraid.” She pressed her hands against her cheeks. “Why doesn’t anyone say anything to rebuke him?”

My book Mary's Diary, the Life of Jesus through His Mother's Eyes will be available from Tate Publishing. 

More in the Glass Castle Series

Part of the Glass Castle series
 (The church is a warm shelter)

          “They don’t even look cold.”

          “Isn’Isn't that a marvel? And in this blizzard!” Makio pulled her cloak around her a little more snuggly. ‘Pleasure’ is supposed to be such a cool name brand, but I sure feel chilly. She stepped behind a tree so she wouldn’t be seen by the pilgrims passing by.  Shondelle did the same.

          “They aren’t even all bundled up like we are!” Shondelle whispered.

          “Shh! I don’t want them to know that we are observing them!”

          There was longing in their eyes as they watched a happy pair make their way up the steep incline to the Glass Castle with seeming ease.

          “As far as I could tell all they had on was those flimsy looking white robes, but they seemed warm enough. Even comfortable!” For some reason Makio’s eyes felt misty.

          Shondelle swallowed a lump in her throat before speaking. “I think the warmth comes from within them somehow. “

          Makio nodded; “And that’s why they radiate so. Look! They are coming from all directions! Look how they scale the steep cliff with such incredible ease. How do they do it? And why?“

          “Today is what they call ‘The Lord’s Day’. I think that means that their King will be in their midst and they all want to be there. They go out among us to labour, but on the first day of the week they all flock back--” she laughed, but it sounded sad, “To be recharged.” 

          “And they all look so beautiful in spite of the terrible weather conditions in the world around them.”

          “I wish I could go with them.” Makio’s voice throbbed with yearning.  (to be continued)      

Books by this author can be found @    and many other places

The Glass Castle Series

The Glass Castle Series
In this series the church is represented as a castle somewhat reminiscent of Medieval times. For more of the story check the accompanying pages.

In the lookout tower on the Castle of Love, one of the watchmen held the high powered binoculars to his eyes and slowly scanned the desert waste that spread out before him right to the distant horizon.

Do you see any activity?” The young soldier at his side asked.

The watchman handed the binoculars over to him and pointed. “See that little group at just slightly less than one-oh-five? They seem to be wearying of the way.”
                “Shall I send a dart? One of Agape's darts?”

The watchman shook his head. “No, not yet; hook up the sound waves and we will see if we can catch what they are saying.”


                The watchman was intently scanning the desert once again. He looked over the glasses. “Yes?”

                “I recorded the conversation. It is rather faint and staticy in places, but see what you think of it.”

                The watchman adjusted the earphones and turned up the volume, and this is what he made out.

                “Look, everyone, I think there is a castle over yonder.”

                “Sorry, Fiona. That’s just a mirage. There are no castles in these parts.”

                “But what if it was. Just what if! Then we could find rest and shelter.”

                The watchman whipped off the earphones, eyes shining; “Shoot a dart, shoot one of Cupid’s darts,” He cried, “But aim true!”

                Daniel’s hand trembled as he shot not once, not twice but three times! Others crowded around and watched in breathless suspense as the darts glistened and soared in the dry summer’s heat.

                One dart had hit its mark; Fiona’s breast. They exuberantly clapped each other on the back while Daniel snatched up the earphones and someone else the binoculars.

                Fiona’s hand pressed against her chest. “I felt such a warmth come over me when I spoke of that castle, just now. Kelsey, let’s try to find it. Maybe it is a true haven. It looks so beautiful as if the light diffuses from within.”

                Kelsey picked up another dart; it still had a slight glow and was warm to the touch.

                “You maybe are right. I also am weary of this desert land.” But he hesitated, and then threw the dart down. The others had already started to walk on ahead.


                Daniel whirled to face his Captain. “May I go? May I rush over there and lead them to safety?”

   The Captain was pleased with the youthful enthusiasm. “Go, lad, but remember to use much tact and discretion. They are used to their old ways and may not be eager to change. ”

                The other young recruits leaned over the balustrade surrounding the tower and watched him march swiftly through the gathering darkness, his trusty lamp held high as he traveled.

                 “It’s dangerous out there,” Simon observed.

                “Yes, but he is following instructions, and not going out on his own,” James reminded him.

                Simon nodded as they watched the tiny prick of light grow smaller then leap high when Daniel reached the small group who were sitting on boulders and eating their lunch.

                “May the King bless his efforts,” The watchman murmured with moist eyes, while the others nodded in agreement.