Showing posts with label free books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label free books. Show all posts

Friday, 21 December 2018

What Will Happen to the Twins?

With bombs destroying nearby streets, air raid sirens screaming, and blackout curtains compulsory, Birmingham, England is a fearful place to be, but for a pregnant teenage war bride fleeing to Canada to be with her husband is a frightening option. 

Sailing on a ship with submarines lurking nearby makes her uneasy, but so do more personal fears. Does Randall still love her in spite of the fact she's already pregnant? Will her parents ever forgive her for marrying him? Will he be furious to find out she is expecting twins? Will it help if she gave one up for adoption since he doesn't know she is carrying two? 

Later she discovers that he had been deported from the army for a reason no one is talking about and soon after arriving home ends up in jail also for a mystifying reason! 

Grace has big problems but there is hope.

 Two Mothers, Twin Daughters is the first in a series called Marita's Misery.  From now 'til the 24th of December, you may get two books for the price of one. If you send me a copy of your proof of purchase I will personally reimburse you. ( For more books by this author go to

Monday, 15 January 2018


Is it fun to get freebies? Read The Shining Castle on your Kindle for free. Want a different deal? Buy two of my books and get the third one free if you are the tenth person that purchased before Valentine's Day. Now we are talking paper copies that you can take out, admire, and read over again whenever you are in the mood to. Meet me at I'll be there soon!