Showing posts with label allegory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label allegory. Show all posts

Friday, 21 October 2016

The Other Shining Castle

Not all Shining Castles are evil, this one is awesome! The book starts out as an allegory of the church but includes some real-life stories of people who lived in the Dark Ages. Find out for yourself! Reasonably priced

Friday, 2 September 2016

I Hit Send

The Glass Castle has been a long time in coming, yeah, I'm sure it felt a lot longer to me than any of your readers. It's supposed to be available as an ebook immediately and on Amazon in a few days.Could you let me know what your think of the images? It's supposed to imitate an old-fashioned manuscript sort of because of the topic but do the pictures add or subtract from the overall impression?
Feedback is always welcome, either here, on Goodreads or as a review on Amazon. Thanks and have a good day.