Showing posts with label God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God. Show all posts
Tuesday, 1 March 2016
Where Are You Today
Friday, 19 February 2016
Alone and Suffering
This poem is my gift to you if you feel all alone and as if no one cares. If you can, print it out and tuck it in a safe place where you can always find it.
You are the one
That needs a home
A mother's love
A Daddy's care
You are the one
Who haunts my dreams
Disturbs my sleep
With your sad stare.
You are the one
Who will be sighing
In some dark place
Alone tonight.
You are the one
I'd love to find
Take to my heart
And hold you tight.
Oh Precious Child
Just pray to God
And trust in Him
I know He cares
Oh Troubled Child
I pray someone
Will Find you soon
And call you theirs.
Monday, 15 February 2016
The fog was thick like walls around
Impen'tratable and deep
And there was I so sick and sore
And too inclined to weep.
But move I must so slowly walked
With weary feet and mind,
The trail was slanting lower still
But I was feeling blind.
How long I plod this downward trek
I cannot think or say,
I longed to feel a hand in mine ,
A Guide to lead the way.
I dimly knew that God was kind
And won't forsake His own
But demons taunted in that mist
Which made me sigh and groan.
Yet when I felt all hope was gone
And I had lost the road
I weakly said "I'll not give up"
I'll trust in Christ my Lord.
I'm standing now on Blessings' Peak
(An angel brought me there.)
Rainbows of hope swirl all around
The Lord God answers prayer.
Marilyn Friesen
Impen'tratable and deep
And there was I so sick and sore
And too inclined to weep.
But move I must so slowly walked
With weary feet and mind,
The trail was slanting lower still
But I was feeling blind.
How long I plod this downward trek
I cannot think or say,
I longed to feel a hand in mine ,
A Guide to lead the way.
I dimly knew that God was kind
And won't forsake His own
But demons taunted in that mist
Which made me sigh and groan.
Yet when I felt all hope was gone
And I had lost the road
I weakly said "I'll not give up"
I'll trust in Christ my Lord.
I'm standing now on Blessings' Peak
(An angel brought me there.)
Rainbows of hope swirl all around
The Lord God answers prayer.
Marilyn Friesen
Sunday, 19 July 2015
My Appointment With the King
I serve such a wonderful king. Every morning about five
thirty, I get to have an appointment with Him. The thing is I know He has
millions of other subjects and billions of other concerns to attend to, but
when my soft musical alarm chimes, I feel such a drawing to the throne room of
How can it be that He makes me feel so special? How can it
be that He can make me feel like I am the only one in the universe and that He
loves me so much? I know every single one of you can and hopefully do feel the
same way. Regardless of what time of day you send a prayer dart His way He is
sure to catch it,
Make an appointment early in the morning. Don’t worry, it
won’t interrupt my time. There is something about the dawning of a new day
which is so…perfect for meeting with our beloved Saviour and Guide because
there aren’t so many distractions, yet.
Here’s my formula, but maybe something else will be more
satisfying for you.
I head to the recliner in the living room, put my feet up,
and let the warmth of His presence flow over me. He feels so real, so kind and
it’s a great time to thank Him for always being there. We travelled part way
across Canada this summer, but He was there ever km (mile) of the way. We went
to Africa last summer and lo He was still so close. How can I feel fear of anything for very long with the blessed
assurance of His comforting presence?
After praising Him for a few minutes it’s time to look up a
topic in our chain reference Bible or continue on a topic I had been studying
other mornings. I find a verse, and invariably the surrounding verses catch my
attention also. Soon I haul out the good old Matthew Henry’s commentary and
more wonderful jewels are uncovered for the day.
Of course during this devotional time there is plenty of
opportunity during meditation to share with the Father whatever burdens or
decisions might be weighing on my mind.
I know Adonai is never in a rush, but unfortunately I have
to have a different time schedule. Writing this is encroaching on my ‘sweet
hour of prayer’. I want to quickly send this off so I can worship at the feet
of our holy Adonai. Meet me there!
Saturday, 2 May 2015
Who Told You God Is a Hard Task Master?
I like to spend time with God first thing in the morning. These days it`s the topic of choices that caught my attention, and what the Bible has to say about them. Did you know that in Deuteronomy we are encouraged to bring our choicest offerings? Well, knowing me, that got me curious to know what was being referred to, so I hauled out the good old Matthew Henry`s commentary which is great source for inspiring observations.
I was surprised that way back in the Old Testament times already God wanted us to worship Him with holy joy. Our soul is nourished when we come before Him with a thankful heart. That`s when we are best able to commune with Him and He fills us with the desire to have our faith and spiritual understanding increased. He fills us with a longing to become more and more like Him in every deed and action.
Monday, 23 February 2015
How Worthwhile Are We?
I heard a statement that had a profound impact on me. A man from Burkina Faso made it.
“If a senior dies it is like a whole library has been destroyed.”
Many of us are seniors, but are we wise? Are we compassionate and understanding? How are we filling in the dash between our cradles and the grave? Perhaps you know I am referring to how a gravestone has the date of someone’s birth, a dash, and then the date they passed from this world.
The Bible teaches us that the older women should teach the younger, (Titus 2.4) surely we must have accumulated something worthwhile in our life experiences. Do we have the humility and kindness to help those behind us who are floundering? We all have different ways we can do it.
Are we writing books’ of value with our lives? ‘Only one life will soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last.’
Let us pray for each other.
Tuesday, 27 January 2015
Partridge Exposed!
I don’t know so terribly much about partridges but suspect they have a lot in common with chickens. Anyone who knows me well knows how fond I am of raising free range hens and selling the eggs. But there is something even more enjoyable than that. It is watching Mama Bird possessively brood over a nest of eggs and patiently wait, with barely any food or water, for those little guys to be mature enough to peck their way out of the shells. Her nurturing instinct doesn’t end there, however, and I love to see how she calls her little brood over to share some food she has discovered. I love even more how they nestle under her wings yet peek out, out of curiosity at the friendly world around them. I have an amusing memory of one ‘teenage’ chick
Sunday, 4 January 2015
So Who Hates God?
Have you ever noticed that the people who hate God the most seem to know the least about the Bible, and probably have never, ever had a sweet meaningful relationship with Him? I wonder why that is, but suspect that one of the likely reasons
Friday, 26 December 2014
Get Me There On Time
George Mueller had an appointment on Friday at one o'clock, in Montreal. Problem was he was still stuck at sea, and he had been for days. The ship was locked in heavy fog and the captain wouldn't dream of trying to venture closer to land under the circumstances. He hadn't reckoned with George Mueller who claimed he had never been late for an appointment and didn't intend to start now. Well the captain tried to reason with him, all the while wondering what kind of insane person he had on board.
Tuesday, 23 December 2014
God Knows MY Size
How many years is it since Darwin presented the evolution
theory to the world? It must be well
over one hundred by now, am I right? So how many students in that time have
been taught that humans evolved from monkeys, or even lesser beings? It would
take a more mathematical mind than mine to even make a rough guess. Anyone want
to chance it?
The point I’m getting at, is, if evolution has a solid base
of truth and there wasn’t so many gaps in the theory, wouldn’t we all be
convinced by now that everything just happened?
Why are there so many, even those that proclaim themselves as atheists, plagued
with doubts from time to time?
Back in Russia where teaching about God were mocked and
scorned and stomped on possibly more viciously than almost anywhere else there
was a young student who also had questions about the existence of God. Sure,
her parents and a few others were ‘devout believers’ but she was feeling unsure
so started to talk to the ‘God’ her parents seemed so well acquainted with.
She didn’t make it easy for this ‘God’ to convince her that
He was real either. They were living in a two room shelter at the time, and ‘they’
included eleven others in her family. That shouts poverty, right? Well, winter
was coming on, and she wanted a new coat and a sweater. Could God provide that
for her; her, just one little girl among the millions of other poor children
throughout the world? From a girlish
viewpoint there was something else that she wanted almost as much if not more
than that comfortable winter clothing. She wanted shoes, feminine shoes. It was
no fun at all clomping off to school in her brother’s boots that she had to
stuff with newspaper to keep from falling off.
Well, she prayed, and prayed, but no answer seemed to be
forthcoming. I guess she must have started finding comfort in her nightly chats
with God because she kept on for several weeks.
Then one day Daddy came home from work carrying a big
package. You can be sure all those children were excited and curious to know
what it was, and their parents couldn’t even guess.
Sit back and picture that girl’s thrill of awe when first
one, then two, then three items were pulled out of the box and they were just
what she had asked for. There was a beautiful burgundy coat, a gray sweater, and
brown shoes with little heels and a design stamped on the tops. Were they new?
Yes. Did they fit her perfectly?
“I hadn’t even remembered to tell Him my size,” she
whispered with tears in her voice.
Friday, 5 December 2014
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Let's Make a Man!!
Man 1, Man 2 and Man 3 sat in their shared office on the top floor of a business building located in the most scientifically advanced city in the world. Moments earlier, at a given signal, they had all pushed their chairs back and gone into their private lounge for Man 1 had said he had a tremendous proposition to make.
His business associates waited for him to begin.
“Let us make Man in our own image.”
“But G—I mean that has been already done.” Man 2, more commonly known as Kidzhero, objected.
“How could you nearly use THAT word,” Nerd scoffed. We have spent a lifetime trying to brainwash the masses into to not believing in, he grimaced, and nearly spat out the word; “God.”“ He turned to Man 1. “Come on, Boss, what is your brilliant idea?”
Boss’ face fell, and he would have tapped his pen on his desk if it would have been in front of him. “Problem is…You Know Who got wind of my idea and He nearly thundered: “Thou shalt not use any of my DNA nor any of the components of any living creature that I have breathed life into.”
“Hmmm, that does make it difficult,” Nerd admitted, “but not impossible. Have you gotten any suggestions?”
Thursday, 2 October 2014
(Almost) Too Good to Be True
(Not exactly as illustrated)
Oh well, don’t feel bad. I wouldn't have believed it either if it hadn't happened to me. (Last night, at that!)
“Has anyone seen my container of embroidery cotton?” I could feel my stress level soaring as I searched frantically for all those lovely strands of colour and the box they were stored in. In my mind I was measuring the amount of days until the guest room would be needed with how much work still to be done on the Flower Basket Quilt I was embroidering for the bed.
No one knew, and more frustrating yet, no one seemed to care …at that point. After searching every plausible and many not so plausible places for the not so tiny missing item I sank into the recliner and allowed the cat to crawl into my lap. He is jokingly called Dr. Jones for a reason. He seems to know when I am not feeling well. I tried to pray and calm my nerves…
My eyes grew wide then wider
“Has anyone seen my container of embroidery cotton?” I could feel my stress level soaring as I searched frantically for all those lovely strands of colour and the box they were stored in. In my mind I was measuring the amount of days until the guest room would be needed with how much work still to be done on the Flower Basket Quilt I was embroidering for the bed.
No one knew, and more frustrating yet, no one seemed to care …at that point. After searching every plausible and many not so plausible places for the not so tiny missing item I sank into the recliner and allowed the cat to crawl into my lap. He is jokingly called Dr. Jones for a reason. He seems to know when I am not feeling well. I tried to pray and calm my nerves…
My eyes grew wide then wider
Monday, 28 July 2014
Nightmare World
We live in a nightmare world. I’m sure there are people right at this moment who are surfing the net while trying to block out terrible memories. Maybe they are hiding behind the shame of having been brutally beaten. Maybe they have been verbally abused so many times they half believe the lies that are told them. I know a little girl who is constantly being bullied. I try to help but what will be the long range results of such cruelty? I also know a woman who was physically abused as a child and it carried over into her first marriage. She managed to escape when he threatened to shoot her and the children, but the second marriage was just as bad in different ways. Are you caught in the same sort of trap and no one seems to care and understand?
What are you being called? Do you believe the lies? How have you been treated today, this last week or month? Are you the victim of an alcoholic or someone who is mentally ill? Are you too fearful or ashamed to admit it? Do you have anyone to go to that you feel safe with?
I’m not sitting in an ivory tower somewhere and tossing down bits of advice to you. I’ve been in the gutter also. I have felt the anger, the hatred and depression that comes from being molested. But I have also learned how to forgive and the healing that eventually comes with it. It wasn’t easy. I suffered emotionally for many years because of what happened, but now I am free. Now I want to reach out a helping hand to you and let you know there is a way of escape. There is hope and a light at the end of the tunnel.
To start with I’d like you to repeat these words at least ten times a day.
I am precious in the eyes of the Lord. I do not deserve to be abused. God does not want me to be abused. I am a worthwhile person.
We can’t see the future so from one day to the next it might not seem like anything is changing, but if you trust God to lead you, someday you will be able to look back and see that things have gotten better. And remember I am praying for you.
Thursday, 24 July 2014
A Hard Nut to Crack
I heard that 50,000 people surge through Heathrow Airport on any given day. But even in that vast multitude someone I had never seen or heard of before zeroed in on me as being a fellow Christian. I never held up a sign announcing my faith but somehow people can tell because we serve a Risen Savior and His spirit dwells within us. We shared for a few minutes about what is most important in our lives. Actually this happened to me twice. I think the other time was in Rye. In the hustle and bustle of life I would never recognise them again, but on the Other Side there will be instant recognition!
P.S. Just this last week I got to talking to strangers, one in a restaurant the other at a cellphone shop. Both were pretty soon sharing with me the important things they were praying about. Did I tell them I was a Christian? Did I tell them I believed in prayer? No, and no. True Christianity is not a dead religion. We serve a Living Saviour and people can tell. Do you know Him? Do you want to find out why we have such a strong faith in Him?
Saturday, 19 April 2014
Do You Know If You Are Home?
Is Anyone Home?
Everything seemed normal at Jack and Lorna Jensen's place. It was such a pretty little house along a quiet street and passersby at this time of year would sometimes check to see if her tulips were up yet. Everyone knew that her flowers were the cheeriest, the healthiest looking in the neighbourhood, and it was a sight to behold once they were all budding. The blooms didn't stop with tulips either. Once they were beginning to fade other flowers took their place, and it was an un-going session until blankets of snow created a new type of beauty.
It wasn't only outside though, that everything appeared to be normal. As the sky paled to peach and an azure blue, the alarm went of somewhere in a bedroom. Soon that was followed by lights switching on here and there, the clink of dishes on the table and other sounds that came when the couple started their day.
The ping of the microwave was next, followed by the whistle of the kettle. Everything seemed normal. So normal. Soon the sound of Jack and Lorna's chairs being pushed to the table, and the rustling of thin paper could be heard. Jack's deep baritone read a scripture for their morning devotions, and he prayed.
The days lengthened and grew warmer, but eventually the neighbours noticed that things were not quite the same. Just little things, mind you, but changes none the less. For one thing Lorna wasn't getting around to weeding her tulips! Strange! And when they were faded, they weren't even replaced! Stranger yet! And why was Jack neglecting to mow the lawn? It was always so immaculate; his pride and joy!
Finally someone knocked on the door to investigate. No one was home! They spotted a tape recorder on the table that appeared to automatically rewind and play the same daily sounds from morn until night, then start again the next morning. Robots that looked just like Jack and Lorna went around automatically doing ordinary things.
Does everything seem normal at your place? Are you going through the motions of living a Christian life but the Spirit has moved out and you are on autopilot? Do you know when things began to change? Are the flowers of friendliness and hospitality blooming in your front yard? Are you so used to following the 'correct formula' that you don't sense that the 'abundant life' is only a faint memory?
Wake up!
Thursday, 10 April 2014
Will We Be Lost? F-Forever?
Tayletha took two, then three candles from a stash near the door. After such a harrowing experience she wanted the comfort of light surrounding her. The fosser saw them studying the map Cedric had made for them and looked over their shoulder.
“I can draw you a quicker route,” he suggested.
Lydda and Tayletha looked at each other. Should they agree?
Friday, 28 February 2014
Apprehended: Part Two
Claudine nodded. “ Pieter and Nicholaes do not play too far from the path. We need to go home after awhile to make supper for your father.”
“Where is Margriete?” Verena asked while she was making silly facial expressions to get the rosy cheeked lad to giggle.
“Over yonder,” Claudine pointed. “She is gathering an armful of flowers to fill our rooms with.”
“Meenen is such a pretty little town.”
Claudine fell silent. At least it doesn't have a dungeon like Ypres does. She suddenly felt cold and it had nothing to do with the stirring of a summer-like breese. How I would hate to be confined to a dark prison cell when the air is so fresh and there are all kinds of interesting things to do. She felt her grip tighten around the baby's small form. Verena didn't notice Claudine's change of mood. She was already rushing back to chat with Margriete.
“Mama!” Pieter called. “May I hold Jans please?”
Claudine handed the baby to his brother who promptly sat down in the grass and entertained him by tickling his face with a daisy.
What happy, sweet children I have, and such a good husband. Why then am I feeling cast-down in my soul, all of a sudden? Claudine started singing and the rich, pure tones filled the air with a rare beauty.
Claudine had a good soup cooking by the time Piersom entered the door. Claudine quirked her eyebrows. He didn't bound in with his usual boisterous good humor.
Piersom motioned for her to step outside.
“Margariete, you can start feeding Jans. He's so hungry after all that fresh air this afternoon. Yes, Piersom?”
Her husband closed the door behind Claudine before speaking. Then he laid his hands on her shoulders and looked deep into her warm, brown eyes. “ Hendric matched my step as I was returning home from work.”
Claudine nodded. Why such a sober look?
“Titelmannus is out and about.”
“Who is he?” Why did I whisper?
“The Dean of Ronse.”
When his wife still wore a blank expression, Piersom continued, “The Inquisitor.Hendric, a pious councillor warned me to flee. I will hide in yonder woods.”
“Could you not pause to sup with us? You must be tired after such a long day.”
“Nay, I must hasten. He may have rounded up the bailiffs already to come and fetch me.” He turned to go, then paused. “You come, to, Claudine. They may be after you as well.”
Claudine knew the danger they were in. “I will fetch the baby, but you go! Go! Don't wait for me! I'll be but a moment later.”
“Where's Papa?”
“Why doesn't Papa come in for supper? I am hungry!”
“Papa and I are going for a little walk. Go ahead and eat. Pieter, you can lead in prayer. Hallo Janzie! My what a sopping wet baby! Did he eat much?”
Margariete nodded. “Everything that I mashed up for him.”
Claudine quickly and deftly changed the baby's sodden garments then hurried out the door.
She saw a ragtag, but determined looking bunch of men heading down the street so ducked into the woods and quickened her pace.
Page 737
Claudine de Vettre
Friday, 10 January 2014
Life is Good
is good. Nay, rather, life is very, very good. Daily I get to go out
into the crisp, bright wintry sunshine and enjoy the fresh air,
heaps and mounds of pristine snow, watch the eastern sky colour up so
beautifully and listen to the contented clucking of my batch of
chickens while feeding them, and they in return cheerfully produce
eggs for me.
life is good. The driveway is cleared and the short jaunt is a
breeze, or is it? It's very smoothness is deceptive and can be
slippery so I chose to walk where it is a little more difficult, 'cuz
I care not to fall into a heap of creaking, groaning bones that even
the friendly dog is unable to hoist back into a standing position.
love it when the day is bright and the future shines out beckoning
and promising, but remember there are slippery places. Sometimes I
welcome the more difficult trial 'cuz then it is easier to focus on
what's more important---keeping or feet on solid ground. Enjoy your
day...but be careful!
Books by this author can be found @ or Just type in Marilyn Friesen
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