Saturday, 26 January 2019

The Walls Will Come Down

Another installment in the story Terror and Tranquility 

 We are going to be swept back in time to the banks of the swollen Jordan. The immense multitude of Israelite's have marched solemnly across although I am sure more than one boy may have picked up a stone to fling at the mighty wall of water. Fearful, tearful faces have lined the walls of the proud city of Jericho wondering, and worrying whatever is going on. Now let us get back to Rehab's viewpoint. If you are confused as to what this is all about, go back a page or two and that will help.

  Rehab returned to the rooftop and visited long with the stalwart, young men. Her cheeks burned however, when she thought of how shamelessly she had flirted with the soldiers downstairs.It hadn't bothered in her the least at other times, but now followers of the true God had come to her for assistance.I would never want them to see me acting like that!
  After the spies safely returned to their own people, Rehab had made haste to tell all her relatives that they would be protected when the enemy attacked if they would find shelter in her apartment. They took her at her  word.
Rehab reached out and wrapped her fingers around the scarlet cord she had lowered from her window. Feeling the roughness against the palm of her hand gave her a measure of security.
As Rehab stroked the scratchy fiber she thought of how the Mighty waters of the Jordan had parted. Twas the season the waters would be normally flooding their banks, and hundreds  stared as the Children of Israel walked across on dry ground.
 Rehab's niece tugged at her sleeve and gazed fearfully up at her.
   "When are they coming. Auntie Rehab? When will the Ish-rill-ites destroy this wicked city?"
 "I don't know, honey, but watched what they are doing."
  "Why are they marching 'round and round the city, auntie?"
  "I don't know. I guess their God wants them to."
  "Will He keep us safe if we stay in here?"
   "Yes, He will keep us safe." As long as we stay with the people of God He will keep us safe.

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