Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Somethings Fishy On the Farn

Have I ever told you about our dearly beloved chickens? Okay, I’m not ‘silly’ about them in that I carry them around in my arms all day or anything like that. For one thing they’re far too many, and another thing…well I don’t want---that—to happen, --- y’know?

But anyway, I do like them, and they are one of the major attractions over here at Hollyhock Haven Bed and Breakfast because they are free range. (When it’s warm enough, I mean.)

Well I like those ole birds and I’m ‘specially fond of the little chicks that hatched out under the cozy wings of a broody hen.

So it was with puzzlement and concern that I kept looking over the chickens  to find the chipper brown one with the black tuft on her tail. Where in the world did the little gal go? There were no dead ones flopped over in the sawdust, dismaying me, and it’s too cold to let them outside, so WHAT HAPPENED?
Well, this morning my husband announced that there are more than one missing. In fact several have disappeared. What? WHAT??!! Who in the world would want a chicken? It’s too late in the season for wilderness parties, too cold for them to be strutting around in someone’s back yard. And they are a lot of work to get from the hen house to the frying pan.

Maybe that’s why the dogs have been more yippy lately.

Brings to mind one of my favorite stories: way back when one of our brethren- you know as in church members—was raising pigs. One day one of the suckling pigs was stolen. Well, he never said a word about it to anyone. Pretty self-controlled, eh?

Well, the years rolled by, as they have a way of doing, then someone asked him, “Ever find out who stole your pig?”
“Yup,” he said, “Right now.”

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