Monday, 9 June 2014

Magical School

"Grandma let's play school in the playhouse. "
I will not trundle out there in the dead of winter , thank you very much. Neither will I start this magical game of "let's pretend" when they arrive nearly at bedtime. Recently however, all the ducks were in a row and and we had time to open "Magical School!" Yahh! All the dolls, oh, PARDON ME, the school children piled into the bus which looked suspiciously like a clothes basket to me. Our grade two student, Susan, normally called Keisha in the real world did most of the 'driving' but sometimes we shared the task. (You know like as in two drivers at the same time?)
It was a tremendous trip through the "mountains and past a burbling brook." And into the deep, dark forest...our tiny woods... where the school is located. Three 'deer' were spotted, ad Donna, one of the doll children saw the fawn trying to keep up with the rest.

The teacher said they were running because a deer was chasing them. Now this you will have to take wit a grain of salt. Susan grabbed her gun and shot the wolf and fed the wolf to the deer!

Well, by then the bus had arrived at the school house and 'Susan' and the teacgher enthusiastically cleaned it while the tinier students diligently pulled weeds out of some lovely, but unfortunately invisible flower gardens. "Susan' had fond memories of sprucing up the playhouse on a grander scale the year we painted it on the inside, and was joyfully 'repainting' it with water and a cloth.

Sometimes my well of inspiration runs a bit dry in regards to playing with little people, but this time I was all enthused with having a 'cooking class' as one of the future lessons but a real mother came on the scene and wanted her real daughter to come home, now.

P.S. Later Keisha told me they truly did see a "real Daddy deer and a Mommy deer on your yard, but no fawn."

Thought for today: Imagination clothes the humblest acts with glory."

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