Saturday, 11 January 2014

The Strange "New" World

Sometimes they would gently or not so gently examine each others eyes. Soon they realized that the reddish glimmer that occasionally reached through the walls of Primo was perceived through their eyes and they learned to squirm in the direction they wanted to look.

One day when they were not much longer than a man's fist, although not nearly as wide, they were jerked awake by a loud series of explosions. They turned wide, startled eyes towards each other. Sure, they were used to a lot of noise, but what was that?

They searched all around their little home but could not find the source of that dreadful sound, which thankfully grew quieter with time. What they were not about to comprehend was that every day their hearing was becoming more keen, so it is quite fortunate that they heard many odd noises before their hearing was fully developed or some of those sounds might have sent them right out of their home!

As it was, most sounds were very familiar companions. There were certain noises, however, that they did not learn to enjoy. It is what we describe as loud, angry voices. If it came too often, or lasted too long, they would huddle in tight, frightened balls, and have no desire to play. At such times they would just stare blankly ahead until that dreadful 'invasion' died down. It was scary feeling threatened, yet not knowing where the danger came from Some of the books by Marilyn Friesen are available

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